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Monday through Friday 330-530pm @ Moharimet Elementary


Durham Parks and Rec and Seven Rivers are offering a NEW robust After School Enrichment Program for families in the Oyster River School District! Choose from our nature based activities throughout each season to craft a part or full time experience.  Our basic program will include a combination of outdoor enrichment, projects, activities & games that teach skills and build community.


Families can also choose from the seasonal Seven Rivers favorites such as Mountain Biking, Medieval Knights, Archery and more! Both our basic Afterschool program and our specialty options are offered every day of the week.​


Fall Session 1 September-November

Monday: Off the Beaten Path

Tuesday: Wildcraft

Wednesday: Off the Beaten Path

Thursday: Mountain Biking

Friday: Paddling/Cooking & Carving


Fall Session 2 November-December

Monday: Off the Beaten Path

Tuesday: Archery

Wednesday: Off the Beaten Path

Thursday: Medieval Knights

Friday: Rock Climbing


Winter Session 1 January-February

Monday: Off the Beaten Path

Tuesday: Backcountry Bushcraft

Wednesday: Off the Beaten Path

Thursday: XC Skiing

Friday: Cooking & Carving


Winter Session 2 March-April 

Monday: Off the Beaten Path

Tuesday: Outdoors to Explore

Wednesday: Off the Beaten Path

Thursday: Medieval Knights

Friday: Archery


Spring Session 1 May-June 

Monday: Off the Beaten Path

Tuesday: Fishing

Wednesday: Off the Beaten Path

Thursday: Mountain Biking

Friday: Paddling


*Transportation Available*



Monday through Friday 3-530pm, Grades K-5 @ Newfields Elementary​


These programs will be held in the enchanting forests & fields surrounding Newfields Elementary school and for paddling programs on the historic tidal Squamscott river. Explore traditional & backcountry skills, seasonal craft & projects, team building and gain a sense of community and stewardship with our unique nature based programs. 



Session 1 September-December

Monday: Paddling/Wildcraft

Tuesday: Off the Beaten Path

Wednesday: Medieval Knights

Thursday: Off the Beaten Path



Session 2 January-April

Monday: Cross Country Skiing/Bushcraft

Tuesday: Off the Beaten Path

Wednesday: Backcountry Cooking & Carving

Thursday: Off the Beaten Path



Session 3 May-June​

Monday: Archery/Paddling

Tuesday: Off the Beaten Path

Wednesday: Medieval Knights

Thursday: Off the Beaten Path




35$/day All equipment provided, transportation provided for Newmarket

students to Newfields Elementary

Discount for 3 or more days per session ($30/day)


*Transportation Provided for Newmarket students to and from Newmarket Elementary School*

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